Clearing the Air: Simple Tips for Reducing Allergies at Home


Spring is officially here, but unfortunately fragrant blooms and bees aren’t the only things in the air. That’s right—it’s allergy season. 但是今年, we’re here to help you reclaim your space and make your home a sanctuary from sneezes and sniffles.

Whether you’re battling pollen, 宠物毛屑, 尘螨, 或模具, creating a healthy living environment can make all the difference in how you feel day to day. Say goodbye to red eyes and stuffy noses and hello to a breath of fresh air. Let’s talk about how you can transform your home into a haven for allergy sufferers, even during peak pollen season.

1. 保持清洁 & 绿色

Regular cleaning is key to keeping allergens at bay, but harsh chemicals can exacerbate symptoms. Opt for plant-powered cleaning products like one of our ECOS All-Purpose Cleaners, which are tough on dirt and made without synthetic fragrances. By choosing eco-conscious cleaners, you’ll breathe easier knowing you’re not introducing harmful toxins to your home (or the planet).

2. Dust, Don’t Dither

Dust is a common allergen culprit, so make dusting a regular part of your cleaning routine. Use a microfiber cloth or damp cloth to trap dust particles instead of sending them airborne. Don’t forget to dust hard-to-reach spots like ceiling fans, light fixtures, and behind furniture. For extra credit, invest in a HEPA- filtered vacuum cleaner to suck up dust and debris without releasing it back into the air.

3. 床上用品幸福

Your bed should be a sanctuary for rest, not a breeding ground for allergens. Wash bedding in hot water weekly to kill 尘螨 and remove allergens. Look for 安全的选择-certified products like ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 Detergents to clean linens deeply without introducing harmful chemicals. Encase pillows and mattresses in dust-mite-proof covers to create a barrier against these microscopic pests. And don’t forget to fluff pillows and duvets in the dryer on high heat to zap any lingering critters!

4. 净化空气

Indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air, especially in tightly sealed homes. Invest in an air purifier with a HEPA filter to capture airborne allergens like pollen, 宠物毛屑, 霉菌孢子. Place purifiers in key areas like bedrooms and living rooms to ensure you’re breathing clean, fresh air around the clock. And don’t forget to change the filter regularly for maximum effectiveness.

5. 宠物巡逻

If you have furry friends, they may be contributing to your allergy woes. Bathe pets regularly with a gentle cleanser, like our ECOS Hypoallergenic Pet Shampoo, which helps to remove dander and allergens from the fur while soothing your pet’s skin with plant-derived vitamin E. You can also create pet-free zones in your home, like bedrooms and upholstered furniture, to minimize exposure to pet allergens. And consider grooming your pets outdoors to prevent allergens from spreading indoors.

6. Ventilation is Key

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality. Open windows whenever possible to let fresh air circulate through your home. Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to remove moisture and prevent mold growth. And consider investing in a whole-house ventilation system to ensure a steady supply of fresh air throughout your home.

Creating a healthy living space for allergy sufferers is all about minimizing exposure to allergens and maximizing comfort. By following these tips and making simple changes to your home environment, you can breathe easier and enjoy a happier, 健康的生活.


  1. The Kingsley Clinic. Your Guide to Regular Cleaning of Home to Reduce Allergens.,contribute%20to%20allergic%20rhinitis%20symptoms

  2. 梅奥诊所. Allergy-Proof Your Home.

  3. American Lung Association. 尘螨.

  4. Environmental Protection Agency. Allergy and Asthma Network.

  5. The Humane Society of the United States. How to Live with Allergies and 宠物.

  6. Environmental Protection Agency. Improving Indoor Air Quality.