

有些事情就像发条一样. 就像我们每天下午需要打个盹一样, 午夜想吃咸点心, 还有你迫不及待想听的每周播客节目. 说到保持浴室清洁, 然而, there’s no built-in timer to tell you when or how often it needs a solid shine.

这就引出了一个问题:多久一次 应该 你打扫浴室? 

在一般情况下, you 应该 clean your bathroom thoroughly about once a week to help you maintain a baseline level of bathroom 清洁. 然而, 还有其他因素需要考虑, too—like how often you touch different surfaces 和 how many people live in your household. Using these factors to plan the perfect bathroom cleaning schedule can help you keep your family safe 实现清洁浴室的幸福.


走进一个没有异味的房间, 整洁的浴室,完成你的护肤程序, 洗个放松的澡, 或者享受空闲的独处时间可以完全恢复精力. 也有理由相信它对你的健康也有好处. Studies show that a clean living space can significantly reduce your cortisol levels.1

而其他因素也会影响你的个人清洁计划, taking a look at the specific areas of your bathroom can help you identify what might require a little extra attention. 


Whether your bathroom sink 和 counter serve as a stage for your 12-step morning skincare ritual or a self-directed pep talk 之前 work, 它们可能每天都被大量使用. 水溅, 牙膏溅, 和 product residue from your everyday hygiene routine can quickly build up in these areas.

当涉及到 如何清洁浴室 为了保持水槽和柜台的清洁,请遵循以下建议:

  • 每天 -用植物动力清洁 通用的清洁 每次使用后用毛巾擦干柜台.
  • 每周 -用清洁剂喷洒并擦拭台面和水槽 浴室清洁剂 去除任何皂渣和污垢.

不管你多久清洗一次浴室水槽, 台面, 还有浴室的其他部分, be sure to use products that contain safer ingredients 和 won’t wash harsh chemicals down the drain. ECOS清洁工 使用更安全的成分,比如过氧化氢. These cleaning solutions can help disinfect your bathroom without harming the environment.


H和les might seem like a small accessory to your bathroom’s overall components, 但它们是房间里接触最多的区域之一. 

考虑到你触摸了外部和内部的门把手 每一次 当你进入浴室时,你通常会触摸外面的把手 之前 洗手. +, you use a cabinet h和le or drawer pull 每一次 you retrieve a stored object for your routine. 


  • 每周 – To keep your h和les clean 和 shining, disinfect these areas at least once a week.

To disinfect your door h和les in a safer way, use a safer, hydrogen peroxide-based product like ECOS一步消毒清洗机.


我们可能会从淋浴和浴缸里走出来,感觉干干净净, 但我们的洗浴区本身也需要一些清洁行动. 

因为它们离你清洗的地方很近, 这些东西很快就会变脏. 淋浴和浴缸溅起的硬水污渍, as well as soap scum from your shower 和 bath routines can cause buildup over time. 

In better news, a few routine steps make it easy to keep these areas clean:

  • 每天 – Mist a plant-powered 浴室清洁剂 onto your shower wall tiles 和 fixtures, 比如莲蓬头和把手. 像这样的十大彩票网赌平台 ECOS浴室清洁剂,你甚至不需要洗掉它. 下次洗澡的时候让淋浴水把它冲洗掉.
  • 每周 -用清洁剂擦拭任何玻璃浴缸或淋浴罩 擦窗器 去除细菌和难看的污渍. 接着用浴室清洁剂清除任何皂渣或污垢.

如果你使用浴帘,你也应该定期清洗. Shower curtains 和 liners can grow mold 和 mildew if they don’t dry out quickly. 如果你发现有霉菌生长,用 ECOS一步消毒液. Allow the product to sit on the liner for 10 minutes 和 then wipe it (和 any mildew or mold) away with a cleaning cloth. 你的浴帘是否可洗, you might want to toss it into the washing machine when you start to notice stain buildup to maintain health, 清洁, 防止异味.2

# 4厕所

Like many other chores, toilet bowl cleaning takes less time the more often you do it. Consider lightly cleaning your toilet bowl often 和 working in a deep clean if you notice tough stain buildup. 

当涉及到 如何清洁厕所,这里有几个步骤可以让你清洁厕所变得简单:

Taking these steps routinely 和 using a high-quality toilet cleaner frequently can:

  • 防止细菌和硬水造成的长期污渍
  • 减少细菌和霉菌的生长
  • 提高马桶硬件的使用寿命

当你打扫厕所的时候,别忘了把外面也打扫干净. 而马桶则是一个重要的焦点, 灰尘和飞溅物聚集在马桶外面会污染水泥浆, 使马桶变色, 损坏你的硬件.

# 5层

十大彩票网赌平台泄漏之间, 湿透的浴巾, 一般的浴室细菌, 我们浴室的地板能搬运很多重物. Keeping these areas clean can help eliminate slippery or sticky spots 和 cut down on dirt 和 grime that can accumulate over time.

这并不意味着你必须每天都要拖地. 而不是, a few bathroom floor-cleaning tips 和 strategies can help you keep your floors shining even in between deep cleans.


  • 每天 -用万能清洁剂清洁任何溢出的污渍. To avoid slippery areas, be sure to towel-dry any water spots after showers 和 baths.
  • 每1-2周 – Clean your floors using ECOS 浴室清洁剂 to fights soap scum 和 product buildup.

6 .垃圾桶

Your schedule for emptying the bathroom trash can may depend on several factors. Some variables that might increase your bathroom trash can emptying 和 cleaning frequency include:

  • 你家里有多少人
  • 你使用的一次性自我护理十大彩票网赌平台的数量(如棉签)
  • 过敏、感冒或流感季节——这可能会让你的厕所里装满纸巾
  • 在你家里使用月经用品的人数
  • 垃圾桶的大小

Luckily—和 despite the circumstances above—your trash management schedule can still be pretty straightforward:

  • 根据需要 -如果罐子满了,或者你发现有气味,就把它倒掉.
  • 每周 -每周至少清理一次垃圾. Use this opportunity to clean 和 disinfect the inside of your trash can, too. 最好的方法是使用 更安全的消毒剂.


While some people might need to show their bathroom some extra TLC every day, 其他人可能可以通过每周清洁一次而不受影响. 让我们分解一些例子.


The number of people living in your home can dramatically impact your bathroom cleaning schedule. 

If you live in a one-bathroom home by yourself—or with a pet or two—you might make fewer messes than a family of four would in the same space. 当然也不能保证会一团糟, increasing bathroom traffic does increase the possibility of dirt 和 germ introduction. 

If you live in a household with more than one or two people, consider increasing your 每周 例程 一周两到三次. 你可以根据需要增加任何日常清洁程序.


Even if your current bathroom cleaning schedule is more sporadic than regular, 你可能更有可能在客人来之前打扫浴室. 

If you live alone 和 clean the bathroom 之前 your 每周 book club meeting, 家庭聚餐, 或者女生之夜, 一周一次的清洁可能是你保持浴室涅槃状态所需要的. 在你的活动开始前快速喷一下,使用 ECOS一步消毒清洗机.


如果你家里有小孩, you may find yourself chasing down rubber duckies 和 wiping up watermelon-flavored toothpaste more often than a family without kids. 但浴室清洁不仅仅是保持空间整洁. 


  • 防止污垢积聚,污垢会导致细菌和霉菌生长
  • Decreasing your exposure to germs that can make you (和 your children) sick
  • 消除滑地板等危险情况

与这些问题作斗争,保持家人的健康, 你可能会发现你需要更频繁地进行清洁. 要想每天清洁浴室,不妨试试 ECOS万能清洁剂.


是否每天清洁, 每周, 或者一个月只能挤出时间打扫一次浴室, effective products can help you maintain your bathroom—和 your entire home. 

确保你的清洁有利于你的健康和我们的地球, 检查以确保它们避免刺激性化学物质和刺激性成分, 因为这些都会危害人类和生态系统. 


  • 含氯漂白剂
  • 磷酸盐
  • 邻苯二甲酸盐
  • 甲醛

而不是 of using products that contain harsh chemicals, opt for safer, plant-powered 清洁工. 幸运的是,ECOS十大彩票网赌平台线满足了所有这些要求:

达到你的浴室清洁目标, 选择能保证你安全的十大彩票网赌平台, 保护环境, 还有(最重要的)工作.


ECOS is making it easier than ever 之前 to maintain a clean home—和 a sparkling clean bathroom. 

我们的 effective formulas 和 commitment to ditching nasty chemicals make ECOS the perfect product line for your home cleaning needs. 我们的 entire line of household cleaning products is designed with you 和 your family in mind.



今日心理学. 清洁背后的强大心理学. http://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-truisms-wellness/201607/the-powerful-psychology-behind-cleanliness 
美国环境保护署. 安全的选择. http://www.epa.gov/saferchoice 
克利夫兰诊所. 脏浴帘会让你生病吗? http://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-your-dirty-shower-curtain-make-you-sick/